The Christadelphian Instructor: Questions and Answers System of Truth revealed in the Holy Scriptures with proof-texts in full appended to nearly every answer. Also containing 100 questions and answers suited to children under 8.
Christendom Astray
Popular Christianity (both in faith and practice), shewn to be unscriptural; and the true nature of the ancient apostolic faith exhibited.
Key To The Understanding of The Scriptures
This series of studies is designed to present in connected form the fundamental teaching of the Bible. The reader is invited to examine it critically, with the Bible at his right hand, without which nothing can or ought to be determined in relation to God's truth. We believe this series to help the reader in their search for Truth.
You Will Never Go To Heaven Booklet explaining Paul's "desire to depart" (Phil. 1:23); "Absent from the body" (2 Cor. 5:8); and The "Father's house of many mansions" (John 14:2)
The Christadelphian Bible Study Circle Course 24 Letters with Questions and Answers on Bible Truth
Bible Finger Posts
32 Topics, Includes "The Return of Christ To The Earth", "What Is Christ Coming For?", "Does Death End All?" and many more. All in short form designed for use as preaching tools.
The Good Confession
by Robert Roberts
Christadelphian Baptismal Interview by G.V. Growcott
There Is One Baptism by G.V. Growcott Essential To Salvation; Complete Immersion The Only True Way; Sprinkling Unscriptural; Belief a Prerequisite.
"The Evil One"
The Bible Teaching Concerning The Devil and Satan
(Also in PDF format)
The Bible Meaning of "Soul"
by G.V. Growcott Taken from the Berean Christadelphian Magazine, 1966, and which is an exposition of the subject clearly indicated by the title. It will provide another helpful tool for preaching the Truth concerning this subject unto all who have willing ears to hear.
The Revealed Mystery
Part One: A Summary of Christianity Revealed In The Bible
Part Two: A Discourse on Eternal Life
Part Three: The Kingdom of God
By Bro. John Thomas
The Sect Everywhere Spoken Against
by Robert Roberts
Where Is The Promise of His Coming?
by bro. A.C.
1883 Ecclesial Guide Original First Edition
On-Line Daily Bible Reading Companion
Takes the reader through the Bible in a year, Old Testament once, New Testament twice
Bible Online - Bible (KJV) Read aloud
The Bedside Watchman
Offers the reader a short meditation on one of the Daily Readings before the ending of the day. Culled from the writings of Christadelphian authors past and present. The Bedside Watchman is the personal selections by Bro. Norman Owen of passages which have afforded him exhortation and comfort.
Includes Maps, Charts, Color Drawings and Photos, Bible Insert Reproductions
PDF Files done on each item for flexible viewing.
Elpis Israel
"Hope of Israel" (Written 1848) SPECIAL EDITION 1904
by Dr. John Thomas An exposition of the Kingdom of God, with reference to The Time of the End and The Age To Come. Without the revisions made in later editions.
Eureka An Exposition of the Apocalypse
Volumes 1, 2 and 3 from the 1915 edition by Dr. John Thomas
Faith In the Last Days
by Dr. John Thomas
Selections from the writings concerning the Gospel Truth and Christ's return to the earth.
The Revelation Which Interpretation?
by Graham Pearce (Preterist - Continuous Historical - Futurist)
No man can say with persuasion that he loves God if he is disinterested in prophecy, for prophecy is an essential part of the Truth which has proceeded forth from the Father. Neither can a man love Truth and be indifferent to apostasy. The love of God, then, compels a saint to identify the Apostasy foretold by prophet, apostle and the Lord Jesus.
Exposition of Daniel
by Dr. John Thomas, 1868, 34 sections and preface
A Brief Exposition of the Prophecy of Daniel, with Illustrations.
The Book Unsealed: A Lecture on the Prophetic Periods of Daniel and John
by Dr. John Thomas, Fifth Edition, 1920
Thirteen Lectures on The Apocalypse
by Robert Roberts, 1921 Edition
Great Delusion A Scriptural Analysis Of Christianity's "Future Antichrist"
by Kenneth and James Styles
The Book of Revelation
by bro. Paul Billington
An Appeal For Right Understanding
(Also in PDF format)
The Doctrine of The Trinity
By Percy E. White
Analytically examined and refuted "The History of The Doctrine of The Trinity" by G.V. Growcott
Part 1: The True Scriptural Picture
Part 2: The True Scriptural Picture
Part 3: Passages Quoted to Prove the Trinity
Letters Answering The Arguments Offered by Trinitarians
The Blood of Christ
by Robert Roberts, 1895
Its place in The Divine Scheme of Reconciliation or Atonement, as originally promulgated by the Apostles in the First Century.
The Slain Lamb
by Robert Roberts, Published 1915
A controversial and expository Lecture on the True Nature of the Sacrifice of Christ. Delivered in Temperance Hall, Birmingham, on Friday, July 29th, 1873, in reply to one given in the renunciationist interest the previous evening. Illustrated with a chart.
The Purifying of The Heavenly by bro. G.V. Growcott
"Many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist" (2 John 7). Articles by Brethren Growcott, Dr, John Thomas and Robert Roberts on the nature and sacrifice of Christ. Book published by The Herald Press
Did Christ Die On Behalf Of Himself?
Clean-Flesh Article Answered
The Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit Gifts
by Graham Pearce
He reasons logically that if the Holy Spirit, as present-day effluence from heaven, is the means provided of Yahweh to develop a character pleasing unto Him, then, obviously, the Word is unnecessary to that end. He advances strong Scriptural reasons to show that such a claim is contrary to the revealed purpose of God, and therefore to the teaching of the Word.
The Papacy In History and Prophecy
A 3-Part book (48 pages) which includes The History of the Papacy; The True Character of the Papacy; and The Future of the Catholic System. Very informative and easy to read.
The Law of Moses
by Robert Roberts
Includes chapters on "The Sabbath Law", "The Ten Commandments," "The Ark and Its Contents" and much more.
The Analogy of The Grecian Games In The Word
by bro. J. B. Scaramastro
In depth study of the Grecian games in the days of the Apostle Paul and his comparison to them as a follower of Christ.
by Dr. John Thomas An Exposition of the Doctrine of The Old and New Testaments Concerning The Manifestation of the Invisible Eternal God In Human Nature, Including an "Index To The Titles of Deity" by H. P. Mansfield
The Parable of The Tares
by Bro. J.B. Scaramastro the true meaning of the parable in Matt. 13.
Do All To The Glory of God - A Short Treatise on Standards for Christadelphians
Christadelphian Scripture Study Service
The Origins of Christ-Mass: Catholic-Paganism
(Also in PDF Format)
Odology; Spirits, Ghosts: Strong Delusion or Modern Spiritualism in the Light of Science and Scriptures
Reprinted from The Ambassador of the Coming Age, July 1, 1868, Vol. 5. Written by Bro. John Thomas in 1852.
Odology; or Theological Mesmerism, Witchcraft Revived Anew Continuation of the above article.
Table Tappings Not Spirit Rappings
Reprinted from The Herald of the Kingdom and the Age to Come, 1852, Vol. 2, page 67 , by Bro. John Thomas, Editor.
Was Jesus of Nazareth The Messiah?
A Three Night Debate Between Robert Roberts, Editor of the Christadelphian and Mr. Louis Stern, an Orthodox Jew, on Oct. 17-19th, 1871
Christadelphianism of God or Men? A Christadelphian Reply to the Aug. 1962 Watchtower Article
by R. W. Abel
The Protesters
by Alan Eyre
"... there is no doubting the tremendous zeal and earnestness with which some of these early believers applied themselves to the study of Scripture ... the revelation of the tremendous spirit of faith, love and devotion to God shown by some of these believers of former times who suffered almost indescribable tortures for the sake of their convictions." Contains Maps, paintings and photos.
Brethren In Christ
by Alan Eyre
The great significance of this work of Bro. Alan Eyre and its forerunner, "The Protesters", is that for the first time the beliefs and behaviour of a community with essentially the same doctrines as ourselves has been documented for our study and appreciation. Complete with Maps, Paintings and Photos
The Significance of Colors As They Appear In The Holy Scriptures
by M. Stewart
There is the reason for the colors of the spectrum in the rainbow; the curtains of the tabernacle; Ezekiel's Temple; and the pillars of the New Jerusalem, to name only a few.
A selection of Meditations designed for Sisters (Logos Publications)
Do All To The Glory Of God
A Short Treatise on Standards for Christadelphians (Christadelphians Scripture Study Service)
The Virtuous Woman
by Sister Jane Roberts and Sister Virginia Vigilant
Sister Jane Roberts to Younger Sisters
CENTENNIAL EDITION, December 1881 - January 1883
Seasons of Comfort
by Robert Roberts 1915 Edition "...the book may be of some service in the weary turmoil of the present evil world. It will help them to realise their position, and to renew their diligence, and to rouse drooping hearts in the prospect of the fulfillment of God's great purpose in Christ."
Search Me O God
by G.V. Growcott
Be Ye Transformed
by G.V. Growcott
Selections From: Letters To The Elect Of God In A Time of Trouble
by Robert Roberts
Evolution, Science and The Bible
by H.W. Hathaway
The Bible Today And You; A Modern Reconsideration,
by H.W. Hathaway
The Truth About God And the Bible
by Robert Roberts
The Vegetable In The Witness Box
by Islip Collyer, 1922
The Gospel And Sex
by Dr. J. Allfree and H. Tennant
The writers of this booklet invite you to look at 'sex', as our modern jargon has it, through the eyes of the Bible. We are convinced that there is no better point of view; no surer way to a happy, healthy courtship, marriage and family life. The Bible knows its subject and there is every reason why it should.