Signs of the End
Some verses to remind you of the signs of the times Our Lord is coming soon Rev.17:3,12-14 Luke 21:26 Ezek.38,39 Dan.11:40-45 Joel 3 Zec.12,14. Isa.26:20-21 II Peter 3
666 -- The Number of the Beast
Why God Sends Trouble
by Robert Roberts
Never Despair
by Robert Roberts
Comfort From The Word
by Robert Roberts
"Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please God"
by Robert Roberts
What The Scholars Say About The Hebrew Name: Yahweh
Keeping In Memory
by George Gibson
The Treasures of Egypt
by G.V. Growcott
A SHEPHERD Looks at PSALM 23 (excerpts)
by Phillip Keller
Sojourning In Fear Awaiting Christ
by Robert Roberts
Mortify The Deeds Of The Body
by G.V. Growcott
The Old Man and The New Man In The Coming Tribulation
by John Thomas, M.D.
Speak Out The Truth
The Herald, Dec. 1860
Gogue and Magogue
Dr. John Thomas, Elpis Israel, 1904 Edition
The Signs Of The Times Will Not Be Found In The Literal Heavens, In the Stars, or In The Zodiac
by John Thomas
Letter To The Editor, The Christadelphian, 1957
Christ or Free Masonry?
The Christadelphian, 1956
comments from bro Thomas 1849
The Story of the Bible, Vol. 11
by H.P. Mansfield:
The Olivet Prophecy
The Need For Personal Watchfulness
The Parable of Noah or an Unheeding World
The Parable Of The Man On A Far Journey
The Parable Of The Thief
The Parable Of The Faithful And Evil Servants
The Parable Of The Ten Virgins
The Parable Of The Talents
The Parable Of The Sheep And Goats
Did Christ And The Apostles Partake Of The Last Jewish Passover
Churches Agree Pope Has Overall Authority Introduction by J.B.Scaramastro
The 39 Articles of The Church of England
William of Orange's Bill of Rights, 1689
Set Thine House In Order
by G.V. Growcott
Parable of The Vineyard Labourers
by Robert Roberts
The True Christadelphian Ecclesia
by Robert Roberts, The Christadelphian, 1887
Shall He Find Faith On The Earth?
reprint, Oscar Beauchamp, Berean Commentary 1988
The Revised Version
The Christadelphian, June 1881, and 1898
The Text Of The Bible
John Carter, The Christadelphian, April 1953
Bro. John Thomas' View On The Resurrection At His Baptism in 1847
Man In Society
Includes "Constitution Of the Royal Association Of Believers In New York". Written in 1854 by Bro. John Thomas, Herald of the Kingdom and Age To Come
Righteousness, Judgment, Mercy and Works
Reprinted from The Ambassador of the Coming Age, July 1, 1868, Sunday Morning at the Christadelphian Synagogue, Birmingham
What Will He Think of Us?
Reprinted from the Christadelphian Commentary,
by Robert Roberts, 1872
Let Us Not Sleep
by Robert Roberts
Thirteen Lectures on the Apocalypse. Second Lecture
annotated excerpt TO SARDIS
full section on Sardis
Excerpt of the exhortation
"Strengthened by the word of His grace" taken from: Seasons of Comfort Volume II
by Robert Roberts (full exhortation here)
Was The Temptation of Christ Internal, External, or Both?
by J.B. Scaramastro
Should We keep the Biblical Sabbath?
The writer looks at the Law of Moses and the law of Christ
by J.B. Scaramastro
Cultural Expression or Scriptural Truth?
The writer answers the question: Does the Truth change based on the cultural influences of the times.
by J.B. Scaramastro
The Satan of Job Chapters 1 and 2
The Satan of the book of Job could not have been a "fallen angel." by J.B. Scaramastro
Chart on the Usage of the Word "Devil(s)" in the Scriptures
(Click here for PDF format)
The Mosaic Calendar: Possible Parallel: From the Return of the Lord to the Millennium
Who Is Your King? Whom Do You Serve?
by J.B. Scaramastro
The Peace and Safety Cry
"There is no peace to the wicked saith God." Introduction by Editor, Section from Elpis Israel, 1904 Edition
Interesting Definitions from Webster's Dictionary Regarding Christadelphians: Christadelphians / Ecclesia/ Thomasites
What Is A "Cult"?
BBC : World Cults
The Camp of the Flesh vs. The Camp of the Spirit
Are There Any "Wonderful Shades of Gray" In The Word of Yahweh?
Headcoverings and Christadelphian Sisters
The Headcoverings of Sisters
A response to The Headcovering of Sisters
by Bro. David Murphy
Does Bro. Roberts Give Sound Advice On The Headcovering Question in 1 Cor. 11?
"Let Her Be Covered"
by C.C. Walker, The Christadelphian, Feb. 1, 1900
Women's Hats and Churches
by John Carter, The Christadelphian, Dec. 1942
The Hats of Christadelphian Sisters - A Biblical Consideration by Ron Abel
Headcoverings July 1983, Sis. Iris Clark:
Headcovering August 1983, Bro. Dennis Adey:
The Role of Women: Politically, Socially, and Ecclesially: From the section: "The Foundation Of The World"
From ELPIS ISRAEL (1904 Edition PDF)
Some history of the strong arm of the Catholic Church:
The Jesuit Lies of the Roman Catholic Church on Prophecy [1910]
From the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910, 11th Edition (Commonly known as the Intellectual's Edition), Vol. 23, page 213, "Revelation"
The 1916 Jesuit Oath
...I do furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war secretly or openly, against all heretics, ...
The Faith In The Last Days; CHAPTER 19, "Baptism of Spirit in Apostolic Times"
Paragraphs 11,12 and 13 annotated
Paragraphs 1-13 annotated
(without annotation here)
Annotated Lamuel Edwards article and letter to the editor
(without annotation here)
Eureka Vol. 2 Ch. 8 Sec. 1 Sub. 4
The Apocalyptic Temple (full)
Tabernacle of the Testimony and the Nave annotated
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