Last Updated on : November 23, 2014 | |||
Definitions From Websters Third New International Dictionary(tm) (Unabridged) |
Introduction: During a telephone conversation with a brother in New Zealand, the definitions below were discussed. He immediately requested me to make copies of them and send them to him. Since he felt it was important to have, we took the thought to the next level and decided to place these definitions on the internet for all to see. It is very interesting that Websters Third New International Dictionary (unabridged)(tm) included this information. It indicates that we have obtained a well known position in society and therefore this unabridged dictionary recognizes it by placing this information in it. In their definition of Christadelphian, they make a statement which is untrue. Since they do not understand our concept of the Godhead, they state that we are like Unitarians. This is incorrect for we believe that God (Yahweh) is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, and not Joseph. He was not just a mere man. However, when they state that we do not accept trinitarianism they are correct. One category that we don't accept, nevertheless is out there, is the idea that the Lord Jesus Christ actually existed before His birth as Jesus of Nazareth. Before someone corrects us, we know that he was born at Bethleham but became associated with the city of Nazareth for the bulk of His life prior to His mission. We feel that the pre-existance of Christ is illogical and absurd just like trinitarianism. The actual truth about Jesus lies in the middle as a balance between these two illogical and extreme positions. Our position is represented in the various books and articles that we have on our website. If these written materials are consulted, you will gain a true and accurate picture of the Godhead and of the Lord Jesus Christ. In regards to definition of ecclesia, it is nice to know that these learned men of the world associate this name specifically with the Christadelphians and no other churches in the world. This gives a legal status to the term and to its use of our groups. This puts us in a comparable position to the Roman Catholic church where the word "church" is specifically applicable to them. In fact they have contested the wills of various people who have left their money to the "church" and even though they were not catholic and they were giving it to the group they belonged to, it was successfully contented by the Catholic church that there is only one group specifically known by that phrase. Even though we as a group do not utilize the court system, this definition places us in the same category as the Roman Catholic church and if it was permissible we would use the word "ecclesia" in the same way the Roman Catholic church uses the word "church." Lastly, it is interesting to know that the term "Thomasite" is well known by these learned men as well. Of course, they acknowledge that our group was founded by Dr. John Thomas. Thus, though we do not use this term, for Dr. Thomas did not want the group to be known as Thomasites, it still is a term that the world recognizes as having existed at one time to define the followers of Dr. John Thomas. It is interesting to realize that John Thomas was utilized by God (Yahweh) as an instrument to establish the Truth in the earth in these latter days and that these efforts were carried out so well, that these terms became associated with us and well known to the world. To the results of these efforts we look for when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to the earth and Dr. Thomas and his followers find a place in the Kingdom that is talked about throughout the Scriptures. -- JBS On Page 400: 1 Chris-ta-del-phi-an \,krista'delfiean\ n -s usually capitalized [Christ + Gk adelphos brother + English-ian-more at ADELPHOUS]: one of a premillennial religious sect that was founded in the U. S. about 1850 and that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity in favor of a Unitarian and Adventist theology 2 Christadelphian adj, usually capitalized: of or relating to Christadelphians (Christadelphian doctrine) Chris-ta-del-phi-an-ism n -s capitalized: the beliefs and practices of Christadelphians
On Page 718: ecclesi- or ecclesio- combined form [Middle English ecclesi-, from. Late Latin, from. ecelesia church, from. Latin, assembly of citizens of a Greek state, from. Greek ekklesia church, assembly of citizens of a Greek state, from. ekkalein to call forth, summon, from. ek out of. out (from. ex) + kalein to call -- more at EX, LOW (moo)]: church [ecclesiarch] [ecclesiography] ec-cle-sia \a'klezea, e'-, -lezh(e)a\ noun, pIural ecclesi-ae \-Iez(h)Z,e,e -laze,i\ [in sense 1, from. Latin. from. Greek ekkIesia in other senses, from. Latin Latin, church, from. Latin] 1: a political assembly of citizens of ancient Greek states; especially: the periodic meeting of the Athenian citizens for conducting public business and for considering affairs proposed by the council 2: CHURCH 4d, 4e 3: one of the local organizations of the Christadelphians
thom-as-ite \'tama,s1t\ noun -s usually capitalized [John Thomas death 1871 American physician and religious leader + Eastern -ite]: CHRISTADELPHIAN