
Last Updated on : Saturday, October 11, 2014







A Word To Begin


The work now before the reader has been inspired by an obvious need for sisters, married or single, young or old, in the home or in the world, to be reminded of the standards of the Truth as set forth in the Word.

Articles have been selected because of their brevity and simplicity, combined with their exhortatory and meditational value. By so doing, it is hoped that sisters engaged in their necessary daily duties will be able to refresh themselves spiritually, as they enjoy a brief moment or two of rest.

Many things of great value have been written concerning the manner and deportment of sisters. The present selection of material and is seen as useful, in that it brings together a wide selection of meditations upon all facets of a sister's walk in the Truth.

Most sections of our beloved Sister Roberts' outstanding work "The Virtuous Woman" have been included. We trust amplification and extension of the several themes therein, will lead to further strengthening of sisters in the warfare of faith as they resist the insidious allurements and pressure of modern society.

The time which remains before the return of our Lord and Saviour appears to be very brief. Therefore let us diligently prepare to attain unto the blessedness of the resurrection and to the glory beyond, by the rich indwelling of the Word of God which can work within us to produce fruit to the glory of His name.

Therefore we must resolve to make an affectionate study of the Word. The guidance and strength derived therefrom, together with the help and comfort of prayer, will fit us to more readily impart the spirit of truth to those whom we desire to nurture in the way of life.

We pray that when the Son of God returns from heaven, He will see in us that which gives Him pleasure, and accordingly, He will take us unto Himself as His chaste virgin bride.

Therefore, dear Sisters, let us "Pause and Consider!" (Selah)

-- Anne Pearce



Selah Contents

Also available in chapter format (one chapter --- on one web page) small flower


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