
Last Updated on : Saturday, October 11, 2014






Chapter 2:
Keeping Company With Christ


THE sister will be assisted in her determination to consecrate herself to Christ, by the daily reading of the scriptures. Other reading wisely selected may have a useful place, but the reading of the scriptures she ought to regard and practice as an imperative duty. Let her at all hazards read some every day; this will to some extent be keeping company with Christ himself, for he is the great theme of the sacred book. He is the beginning and ending of it. To him all the types and shadows point. In him is centred all the hope of the future glory foretold by the prophets. He is the burden of their theme. In the narratives concerning his sayings and doings while on earth, there is the opportunity of making close acquaintance with him, whose meat and drink it was to do the will of Him who sent him. By the study of his gracious words, may she be purified and assimilated to his divine character, and greatly aided in her resolve to devote herself to knowing and doing the will of her Father who is in Heaven.

She cannot keep him company personally like the sisters who ministered to him in the days of his flesh: but she will know that there are many ways in which she can keep him company. As long as he has brethren and sisters, and the truth is in the earth to be countenanced, encouraged, and served; she will remember that he has said, whatsoever is done faithfully to one of the least of his disciples, he regards as done to himself. She will therefore have plenty of ways in which to show her love to her absent Lord, by the keeping of his commandments. She will want as much time as ever she can command for gaining the knowledge of himself, and the Father's glorious purpose concerning him which the scriptures reveal in all the manifold aspects in which he is therein represented.- Jane Roberts




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