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Saturday, November 22, 2014


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Search Me O God
By Bro. G.V. "Rene" Growcott


Pray fervently for intense zeal and inner desire and the mighty power of divine love that will impel you irresistibly by greater and greater work for God and devotion to Him. Remember Jeremiah in all his terrible persecutions: "His Word was a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I could not stay." This is a tremendous blessing. Until we have this we are not safe, we have not "attained," we are not really on the Way of Life. There is no greater blessing than the unbearable disquiet and remorse whenever we are doing less than the most and best we can. Natural man (and some natural men bear the name "Christadelphian") thinks this is an irrational obsession, and tries to "cure" it for us. Sluggish, stodgy natural man has absolutely no idea of eternal truth and reality, no idea of what life is all about, and what the intense zeal of true "living" really means. Natural man is a vegetable: spiritual man is a free-flying bird -- a morning lark of joy, a mighty soaring eagle. Natural man thought Christ was "beside himself" because the "zeal of God's House ate him up." Always remember the Cherubim: the perfect ideal of divine service: "They ran and returned as the appearance of lightning... They rest not day and night, saying Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty." We cannot do that now in our poor feeble mortal condition: but this is the ideal to which we must constantly yearn and strive and seek to eventually attain. It will never come if we are not constantly reaching out toward it with all our heart and strength and desire.



