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Saturday, November 22, 2014


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NEXT: "Clothed In Linen"


The Subject Itself


PAGES 104-106

In this chapter he records a vision of very remarkable character, which he saw while in company with certain persons on the banks of Hiddekel or Tigris. The basis of what he saw was ish-echahd, THE MAN OF THE ONE, rendered in the English version, "a certain man." It was not a real man, but "the appearance of a man" (ch. 10:18), or "like the similitude of the sons of Adam" (ch. 10:16). Hence, it was a symbolical representation.-- A symbol is a form of comprehending divers parts. As a whole it is a compendious abstract of something else than itself -- much in a con densed form. (A symbolical representation is the act of showing by forms or types the real thing intended--it is the shadowy form of a true substance; and in the chapter before us that substance so potentially foreshadowed is Christ personal and corporate. (Dr. Thomas)).

PAGE 105

It was the shadowy representation of "the Man of the One" ETERNAL SPIRIT. It was, therefore, truly "a certain man," not an uncertain one. The son of the old age of Zachariah and Elizabeth "saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a Dove" (John 1:32); and Daniel saw the same Spirit, "like the similitude of the sons of Adam". Now, the description he gives us of this SPIRIT-FORM is, that he was clothed in linen, having also his loins girded with fine gold of Uphaz; his body was like the beryl and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass,and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude." He saw this in Eden, by "the third" of its rivers, "the Hiddekel," where "the Cherubim and the devouring fire" were originally located (Gen. 2:14; 3:24). This that he saw there was the same that Moses and the Israelites. beheld on Sinai's top; and the effect of the sight on Daniel and his companions was the same as upon them -- "all the people in the camp trembled" -- so also, though Daniel only saw the vision, "a great quaking fell upon them that were with him, so that they fled to hide themselves"; and as for Daniel when left alone, he says, "there remained no strength in me, for my brightness was changed within me into corruption, and I retained no strength . . . Neither was there breath left in me" (Vv. 8, 18).

Here, then, was a symbolic man blazing in glory and power: and representative of the Eternal Spirit hereafter to be manifested in a NEW ORDER OF ELOHIM -- aggregately ONE MAN -- the One Man of the One Spirit, whom the true believers shall all come unto A PERFECT MAN --- into the measure of the full age of the fulness of the Christ: who is THE HEAD, from whom the whole Body, fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint (heir) supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the Body unto the edifying of itself in love" (Eph. 4:3, 4, 13, 15, 16). Daniel saw the "perfect man" -- the Eternal manifested in the glorified flesh of a multitude -- symbolically represented in the measure of his full age.

The "thing" that was revealed to the prophet at the Tigris was also seen of John in Patmos. "I saw," saith he, "in the midst of the Seven Lampstands a thing like (homoion) to a Son of Man, having been clothed to the foot, and girt around the breast with a golden girdle; also his head and the hairs white, as it were wool white as snow, and his eyes as a flame of fire; and his feet resembled transparent brass, as if they had been burning in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters: and having in his right hand Seven Stars; and proceeding forth out of his mouth a two-edged broadsword; and his face as the sun shines in his

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strength." This represents the One Body, of which Jesus is the head, prepared "to execute the judgment written." It is that One Body in its post-resurrectional development invested with omnipotence the apocalyptic Spirit-Form, symbolical of the saints glorified in power.


