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Sixth Edition, 1915
By Dr. John Thomas (first edition written 1861)



Chapter 10

Section 8

The New World and the Angel of the Bow


The destruction of the fourth beast of Daniel by the Rainbowed Angel’s pillars of fire will be the dissolution of the European commonwealth. When the old world hath fallen thus, what will be the destiny of the new? Will it escape "the burning flame?" and, when "the kingdoms of the old world become the kingdoms of Yahweh and of his Anointed," will the colonial and republican institutions of the American continent remain intact? Why should they so remain? American society is but an extension of European. Their civil and spiritual institutions are identical; their superstitions and blasphemies as God-dishonoring, word-nullifying, and perversive of "his way." The earth is as corrupt as in the days of Noah; "for all flesh," in both hemispheres, "have corrupted his way upon the earth" (Gen. vi. 11,12). It is only necessary to understand the way of salvation as taught by the apostles to see this. Seeing, then, that the Deity swept into the abyss the whole human family except Noah and his house for this crime, why should not the American world be punished, being guilty of the same iniquity? There is every reason to conclude that judgment will fall upon it with great severity. Its idolatry of self is God-defiant; and it needs to be taught that there is One almightier than the dollar, and stronger than the human will.

There is no symbolical revelation of events to be developed upon the American arena; there are, however, general declarations, which show what must of necessity be developed in the course of the Rainbowed Angel’s mission upon this continent from one end of it to the other. Thus, the principle is oracular, that, ALL nations shall come and worship before the all-powerful Yahweh Elohim;" and that "they will learn righteousness." This necessitates instructors, and a system of instruction, such as does not exist on earth at this time -- an enlightening power no less than divine. It also requires a disposition, a child-like disposition, which exists not in the public mind, neither in the ignorant people, nor in their blind and conceited guides. To correct this fatal evil, and to break the power of ignorance, which is "the power of Satan," the angelic "pillars of fire" must march through the land; for it is written, "When the judgments of Yahweh are in the earth the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness" (Isa. xxvi. 9; Apoc. xv. 4).

And when they have learned this lesson, so difficult for individuals and nations, their lofty looks will be humbled, and their haughtiness will be bowed down, and Yahweh alone will be exalted (Isa. ii. 10,11). British and American pride will be prostrate in the dust: and "the people the source of all power," an exploded fiction of the past. "In that day, Yahweh alone shall be exalted." Popular sovereignty will be a dead putrescent carcass; and all who derive their power and authority from it will be abased. Such a consummation as this, and so devoutly to be wished, can only be developed by Omnipotence -- by the powerful angel of the covenant. The fate of the old world must necessarily be the fate of this whole American continent; for it is written of the Spirit, saying to the Son of David, "I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession" (Psa. ii. 8). This is certainly comprehensive of the western hemisphere. The Eternal Spirit gives this to the Rainbowed Angel in fee. All power and authority here must, therefore, be derived from him, not from the people; and in these there will be no democracy or republicanism, but divine and imperial despotism, pure and simple; for "he shall rule the nations with a rod of iron" (Psa. ii. 9; Apoc. xix. 15; ii. 26-27); "and Yahweh shall be king over all the earth; in that day there shall be one Yahweh, and his name one" (Zech. xiv. 9). This is conclusive. No one believing the scripture can respect the traditions of Americanism. The Monroe doctrine and the millennial perpetuity of the Union, will be a derision to the cloud-invested angel, as they are now to all who have "the patience of the saints," "the commandments of the Deity, and the faith of Jesus" (Apoc. xiv. 12). All the States of the new world will be taken possession of by them; for "the kingdom, and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole of the heavens is given to the people of the saints of the Most High Ones ... and all dominions shall serve and obey him" (Dan. vii. 27). It is manifest, therefore, that the destiny of all colonies, and republics, and empires, upon the American arena, has long since been decreed; and that destiny is unquestionably glorious and blessed -- that of being delivered by judicial power from the debasing tyranny under which they now groan; and of becoming the flourishing and happy provinces of an imperial dominion, co-extensive with the globe, under which life, liberty, and property, will be secure; "mercy and truth meet together, and righteousness and peace embrace each other;" and "glory will be to the Deity in the highest heavens, over the earth peace, and goodwill among men" (Psa. lxxxv. 10; Luke ii. 14). "Hitherto is the end of the matter" (Dan. vii. 28). The wars of the Angel of the Bow culminate in the conquest of a peace, which extinguishes all belligerent conflagration in the earth for a thousand years.




Eureka Diary -- reading plan for Eureka
