Dear Brethren,
The following paragraph is taken from the 1904 Special Edition of Elpis Israel by Bro. Thomas. The material that is bolded is material that has been altered in some fashion in the 1924 Edition and on. Hence, a very striking view of Bro. Thomas on the application of the Pauline Privilege in 1 Cor. 7, is totally eliminated. In fact, it has been so well eliminated that no one in all my years in Christadelphia has ever mentioned this application of this privilege in this fashion on any other occasion on which I have talked to them. It has always been to my knowledge a discussion, if it should ever take place, that involved what happens when a married couple becomes acquainted with the truth and only one becomes a baptised member. Bro. Thomas in the following passage where he is discussing the significance of marriage, applies it to the situation where two married believers arrive in the position where the wife is basically acting like an unbeliever (in spiritual adultery) and Bro. Thomas permits the believing spouse to obtain a divorce on this ground, just like the believing spouse is permitted when only one comes to the knowledge of the truth from the outside. Because many are currently looking at the marriage and divorce situtation, we felt compelled to make as many people aware of this understanding of Bro. Thomas' so that they can form a studied position on it. For those who are concerned about following Bro. Thomas' understanding of the Truth, that he arrived at as a providencially guided agent in Yahweh's hand, and therefore, representing as a result of this, Yahweh's point of view, we feel that they should be made aware of this position, for I am afraid that most of Christadelphia don't mind being at odds with Bro. Thomas on these issues. However, he is the one who has defined the parameters for bearing the name Christadelphian and anyone who does not want to maintain these parameters should quit the body of Christadelphians and coin their own name.
We would be very interested in hearing from any and all on this point. We would find all such input highly valuable.
Looking forward to hearing from you, we remain,
A brother and sister in Christ Jesus The Lord,
Julio B. and Kim Scaramastro
"We are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones."
-Pages 55-56, Special Edition - Revised, 1904 -- Elpis Israel-
In writing to the disciples at Ephesus, the apostle illustrates the submission due from wives to their husbands by the obedience rendered to Christ by the community of the faithful in his day. "As the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing." This was an injunction of absolute submission to their Christian husbands as unto the Lord Himself; because "the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the Head of the church." But, while he enjoins this unqualified obedience, he exhorts their husbands to return them due benevolence, not to treat them with bitterness, but to love them "even as Christ loved the church, and gave Himself up for it." If their wives, however, were disobedient and perverse, and chose to depart, "let them; a brother is not under bondage in such cases" (1 Cor. 7:15). They are like those who will not submit to Christ. The love which should subsist between Christian brethren and sisters in the married state, is such as Christ manifested for the church by anticipation. "While we were yet sinners Christ died for us," says the apostle (Rom. v. 6-8). This is the greatest love a man can possibly show, that He should die for His enemies; and this is the kind of love which Paul (who by the bye was never tried by a termagant wife) commends to the attention of the Ephesians; though always on the supposition, that the wives "adorn the hidden man of the heart with that which is incorruptible, even a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection to their own husbands: even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling Him Lord: whose daughters such women are, as long as they do well, and are not dismayed at any threat" (1 Peter 3:3-6).