
Last Updated on : Saturday, October 11, 2014






Chapter 1

The Virtuous Woman



PROVERBS 31 describes the character of the ideal wife or mother. So wonderful are the characteristics of this woman, that sisters despair of ever being able to attain unto her standard, whilst brethren live in hope that they may find a wife that comes somewhere near the character described.


There is no doubt that The Virtuous Woman was no single personality, but the wise man's estimation of the ideal woman, on account of which he elucidates the positive virtues of such a woman. It is also equally true that the woman in question was not as the ordinary housewife of today, but more the supervisor of a large household wherein she exercised control over her "maidens" (v. 15), who would assist in the daily tasks of such an house, making possible her achievements as described.

Sisters in today's society must learn to cope almost single handed in the daily round of household chores and need not despair if they cannot reach unto the ideal spoken of here. Even so, ideals are set that we may aspire to be like them. If sisters give up in their attempts to emulate the virtues of this woman, there is Iittle hope that they wiII ever aspire to be "like him" who is our heavenly Bridegroom.

In order then that sisters may better understand the virtues set out in Proverbs 31, we list them under various headings, and couch them in language more familiar to our generation.

As A Wife

She is faithful - v. 11

Her influence is for good - v. 12.

She enhances her husband's name - v. 23.

She earns his love and respect - v.29.


As A Mother

She controls her household - v. 27.

She gives careful regard to her children's health - v. 21

She labours at night for her children - v. 15.

She is a light sleeper ever ready in an emergency - v.18

Her children love and respect her - v. 28.


Her Home Management

She is a good knitter - v. 13.

She is skilful in all the domestic arts - v. 19.

She dresses her family sensibly not fashionably - v. 21.

She dressmakes for others as well as herself - v. 24.

She is attentive to the need of others, earning her every meal - v. 27.


Her Economic Sense

She takes trouble to buy well - v. 14.

She only buys quality goods - v. 18.

She puts her purchase to good use - v. 16.

She uses money wisely, and does what she can to improve her return - v. 16.


Her Personal Character

She is not a weakling - v. 17.

She has a firm, reliable, honourable character- v. 25.

She dresses neatly and attractively - v. 22.

She extends her kindness outside of her household - v. 20.

She speaks with wisdom - v. 26.

She speaks with kindness - v. 26.

She fears Yahweh, her greatest asset - v. 30.


Where among these virtues is there room for the demands of so called Women's liberation? Where indeed? All the virtues here listed are opposed to that degrading spectacle of women trying to ape the opposite sex, and achieving nothing more or less than that which Bro. Thomas said would be the tragic result: "In proportion as they rise in assurance they sink in all that really adorns a Woman" (Elpis Israel p. 122).

Sisters who pattern their lives on the God given ideal of Proverbs 31 will in no way feel degraded by their loving submission to their husbands, but will find in that subjection is the crowning fulfilment of God's purpose with them. Indeed by their submission they will share the dominion allotted to the man in whom they lovingly and willingly lose their own identity. Again to quote Bro. Thomas: "They will then rule in the hearts of their rulers, and so ameliorate their own subjection, as to convert it into a desirable sovereign obedience" (Elpis Israel p. 122).

A Sovereign Obedience. What a wonderful expression. Queens by their very submission, and so to be enthroned by their influence in the practise of humility. May the ideal set forth in Proverbs 31 have its fruit in the lives of Sisters, by being translated into actions, so that it may be said of them: "Let her own works praise her in the gates" (Prov. 31:31).- J. Martin



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