
Last Updated on : Saturday, October 11, 2014






Chapter 5

Unbelieving Husbands


SOME sister may say, "My husband is out of the truth and our home is wretched beyond my power to alter it." Well, dear sister, first make quite sure that it is beyond your power to alter matters. Be quite sure you are showing a true practical love for your husband. Remember that the truth does not consist solely in reading the Bible and preaching. There are daily duties to be performed and these, when faithfully carried out, appeal quite as strongly as an exhortation. Peter enjoins those who have unbelieving husbands to strive to win them by their upright godly behaviour. A living exhortation carries more weight than an oral one. If your faithful walk has no influence upon your husband be patient and leave your case in the hands of God. But do not depart from an attitude of love, submission and obedience. God will not forget that you have performed your duty to an unbelieving husband for His sake and He will count the service as rendered unto Him. -- C.H. Jannaway



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