Chapter 6

Problems at School



Last Updated on : Saturday, October 11, 2014









IT is now becoming more and more necessary to object to some of the "education" activities in which our children are required to participate at School, and some parents have expressed difficulty in having their wishes respected in this regard. There is this at least in favour of the present School system: and that is, that most teachers and Headmasters acknowledge the right of parents to train (or not train, as the case may be!) their own children in the way they wish, and this can be an asset to us in our endeavour to uphold the principles of the Truth and to lead our children in the path of life

The following letter from a teacher to parents in response to the initial brief objection of the latter to their children participating in certain "out of school activities," and the suggested reply, may be of some assistance in formulating our objections in similar circumstances. (The explanation was accepted without further comment, and an alternative activity arranged for the child)

Letter from Teacher:

Thank you for your letter explaining your feelings concerning your child's non-participation in out-of-school activities. I am rather disturbed, however, at your refusal to allow your child to take part in what should be a rewarding part of their education.

'The activities in the programme are all of a wholesome nature, designed to show our students some useful pastimes once they leave school. More and more young people these days are finding themselves with an increasing amount of spare time on their hands which they sometimes use by watching too much television or in extreme (but becoming much more common) cases, roaming the streets. Our year 10 students have a maximum of only two years of high school ahead of them. Some intend to leave at the end of this year while others may stay to do 11th year. Time is therefore very limited to actually show them how to perform, how to behave, and where to go for the activities in the programme.

If you still wish for your child not to be involved in the out of school activities, an alternative programme will be available for them during the excursion times.

Yours faithfully, (Sgd). Senior Teacher."

Suggested Reply

"We have received your letter concerning our child's education course, and would like to thank you for your interest. Firstly, please understand that we do not wish to be awkward or hard to get along with (although it may sometimes seem that way!)

"However, we do have a very definite and particular aim in training our children and endeavour to instill in them principles which we are convinced (and are confident we can convince them) are right and true: these are principles by which we live, and arise out of a religious belief. Our approach in these matters, whilst it may seem to you to be negative, is actually very positive, and far from depriving our children from any wholesome, healthy recreation and entertainment, we believe we provide far more than most parents: but these activities are engaged in as a family and with the friends with whom we mix in the Christadelphian community. It is not our practice to take the children to places of organised recreation and entertainment, such as is proposed in the physical education course for the remainder of the year.

"Because of the many wholesome activities in which we are engaged as a family, we have no need (or time) for TV - we do not have a set, and so do not have the problem of any of the children watching it excessively: nor can we foresee any likelihood of the children roaming the streets in time to come, with our family situation as it is

. "We would like to co-operate with you wherever possible in the very difficult task you have of organising a programme to suit all tastes, but feel that this particular aspect of the course would be detrimental to our overall aims for our child and therefore we would greatly appreciate it if some alternative arrangements could be made for them during the coming weeks. If you would like to discuss the basis for our objections further, or perhaps a very brief outline of the Christadelphian beliefs, we would be very happy to make a time at your convenience.

"Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused you or your staff in this matter

Yours sincerely, A. Parent."-- P. Knowles

The only way you can break your children of the habit of copying the unseemly talk of their schoolfellows and workfellows is by laying before them what God requires of those that obey Him. Show that He has laid it down that our lips are not our own to use as we please (Psa. 12:4), and that at the judgment seat the words made use of will either justify or condemn (Matt. 12:37).


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