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Sixth Edition, 1915
By Dr. John Thomas (first edition written 1861)



Chapter 18

2. The Descending Angel's Shout




"And he shouted in power, with a loud voice, saying, Babylon hath fallen, hath fallen".

This descending angel is the same of whom Paul speaks in 1 Thess. 4:16, saying, "the Lord himself in command, with Archangel's voice, and with trumpet of Deity, shall descend from heaven". But he comes not alone; for in 2 Thess. 1:7, he tells us, he will be apocalypsed, or "revealed from heaven with angels of his power, with flaming fire, taking vengeance". Such is the voice, with which he shouts   the Archangel's voice whose name in Dan. 12:1, is Michael, WHO-LIKE-DEITY. "the Great Prince who standeth for the children of Daniel's people". He is in command; for he is the Commander and leader (Isa. 55:4); and his mission is in the last of the trumpets of Deity, and in the seventh vial thereof. Paul did not specify details. He declared that he would descend from heaven with a mission against the Lawless One, the Son of Perdition; whom John connects with the Eighth Head of the Beast, that carries the Great Harlot.

The words used by the descending angel identify him with the second angel of ch. 14:8. These are the same angel in the second stage of his mission. The reason of the fall of Babylon is given in both places, only in ch. 18 the indictment is amplified. Because she is "a habitation of daemons, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hated bird;" and because the Great Harlot and the kings of Babylon have corrupted and destroyed the earth (ch. 11:18; 19:2) - therefore her destruction is proclaimed with a voice, whose echoes will convulse the nations to the ends of the earth.




Eureka Diary -- reading plan for Eureka
