The Original 1883 (First Edition) of
The Ecclesial Guide

18. -- Serving Brethren, not Rulers.

All official brethren are serving brethren; but there are necessarily different sorts of serving brethren, such as managing brethren, presiding brethren, doorkeeping brethren, &c., but ALL are brethren. It is important to keep this feature constantly in the front. Christ places it there: "One is your master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren." This feature, with many other beautiful features originally appertaining to the house of Christ, has disappeared from the religious systems around us, bearing the name of Christ. Having returned to it, let us hold on to it. There must be no authority, only service.

The spirit of the appointments involve this. The ecclesia does not appoint masters, but servants. In principle, the ecclesia is the doer of everything; but, as it is impossible, it can, in its collective capacity, do the things that are to be done, it delegates to individual members the duty of doing them in its behalf.