The Original 1883 (First Edition) of
The Ecclesial Guide

43. -- The True Secret of Success.

This lies in the rich indwelling of the word of Christ in each individual member of an ecclesia -- a state to be attained in our day only by the daily and systematic reading of the Scriptures. When every mind is influenced by the word, the worst rules work smoothly. When it is otherwise, the best will be miscarry. The system of daily reading, laid out in The Bible Companion, has for years been followed by thousands with increasing benefit. The brethren ought, above all things, to help one another in its observance. It is with a view to this that in more than one ecclesia, each new brother and sister is presented with a copy of The Bible Companion on their entrance.

In one ecclesia, a copy of The Commandments of Christ is also given to each new member. When the commandments of Christ are remembered and acted on (and Jesus says none who fail to do so are his brethren), it will be easy to carry out any system of rules. In fact, a small company where Christ is in the heart ascendant, can get on best without set rules. It is only because this is not universal and when members increase, that rules become necessary.